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Lip Augmentation

Lip Fillers, also known as Lip Augmentation or Lip Injections, are a popular treatment which addresses many lip concerns. 

  • Creates bigger lips / increases fullness of thin lips. 

  • Enhances lip definition

  • Creates a more defined smile

  • Give the mouth area a youthful, rejuvenated appearance

Dermal fillers are also effective for smoothing out 'Lipstick Lines' or 'Smokers Lines' around the mouth, as well as other troublesome areas on the face. 

Natural Lip Gloss

Nasolabial Fold

The nasolabial fold is the deep crease running from either side of the nose down towards the corners of the mouth. This crease becomes more noticeable as part of the natural ageing process. Fat is lost from the cheeks, reducing skin volume and making this fold appear deeper. Repeated smiling or having a “big smile” may result in permanent, deep creases in this area.

What can be done?

Deep nasolabial folds can be corrected through injections of dermal filler into the surrounding area, restoring the lost volume and softening the appearance of these creases. The goal of nasolabial fold injections is to even out the skin volume, leaving you with a smoother, refreshed-looking appearance.

Beautiful Smile

Jaw Line/Chin Augmentation

Jawline and chin filler treatments can enhance the overall appearance of the jaw and chin area. Dermal Fillers are an excellent way to shape and adjust a more satisfactory profile.

An under formed or weak jawline and chin can be genetic and can pitch into a patient’s overall confidence. Dermal Filler can be used on these areas to stiffen the skin and define the chin and jowl area, lessening the weakness of a weak jawline and chin.

High-density dermal filler can be injected supramasateric and subcutaneous to create a defined and sharpened Jawline and mandibular angle.

Models may be asked to provide photos of the treatment area prior to treatment to assess your suitability for teaching purposes.

Chick Augmentation

Over time the face loses fat, causing the cheeks to become flat and saggy, giving way to a sunken-in look. Although some are born with naturally high cheekbones, achieving the look of sculpted cheeks can be accomplished through both nonsurgical and surgical treatments that focus on restoring plumpness, volume and definition.

What can be done?

To restore volume to the midface and recreate youthful contours, we can use dermal fillers. Thick cross-linked hyaluronic acid injections can be placed directly above the cheekbones and moulded to define natural cheekbone structure. They can also lift areas lower down such as the nasolabial folds. Satisfaction among this procedure tends to be very high, and the fillers can last as long as 18 months.

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